As school begins at home this fall, and other returning to smaller work groups, we are excited to launch a new Secure and Managed Network solutions for the our Work From Home lives– simpler and at a great. Like our office-bound SDN-powered Network Solution, security like VPN, encrypted WiFi, Internet health, Remote Monitor is available in a single box. If we detect and outage, we’ll contact you.
Here’s some of special features for our new Network Lite:
📈 Real-time Monitoring: We’ll monitor the health and track uptime for you.
🔒 Built-in Security: Advanced firewall functionality and management, to your IT’s needs.
🌐 Enhanced WiFi: Encrypted WiFi Just like at the office, with a Guest Network too.
❤️ Network Health: Uptime, downtime, packet loss, latency and more for perfect video calls
These are just a few of the features that make Network Lite special for the new normal. Check out more at or Contact us for a free demo.